A Place to Explore the Big Questions of Life!
*Our fall 2024 class has finished. Check back for our next course, in the winter of 2025.
In a world of uncertainty, are you asking questions? Exploring Christianity is designed to be a place where you can consider the big questions of life and provide a forum to ask your own. Over three weeks, we will examine the questions that all people universally ask, like “Who am I and why am I here?”, “What’s wrong with the world and what makes it right?” and “What’s next and how do I get there?” The environment is informal and relaxed. You don’t need to know anything about the Bible. You won’t be asked to sing, pray, or read aloud. And you can ask any question you want.
What Is Exploring Christianity?
Exploring Christianity is a three-week introduction examining how the Christian faith uniquely addresses the big questions about life everyone asks. Each week there will be a brief talk followed by small-group conversation where you can ask questions or simply sit back and listen. All viewpoints are welcome. It’s low-key, low-pressure, and lots of fun.
Who Is Exploring Christianity For?
Exploring Christianity is for anyone who wants to investigate Christianity informally with a group of other people. Whether you have previous experience of Church, Christians, and the Bible, or none at all, this course is for you. Everyone is welcome—from the most sympathetic church member to the convinced atheist. We expect that we may disagree about how life’s big questions are answered, but we strive to do in a respectful, courteous way.
How Much Does It Cost?
Nothing. It’s completely free. It’s our gift to you.
Why Is Calvary Presbyterian Church Doing This?
Christians consider it a real privilege to explain the truth and relevance of the Christian message. We struggle with profound life questions too, but believe that we have exciting news to share about Jesus Christ. Calvary Presbyterian Church desires to be a place where people in our community can come and learn about Christianity in a relaxed, non-threatening setting.
What Goes On?
Each week, there will be a short talk by a speaker, followed by smaller-group discussion of that evening’s topic. There will also be time every week specifically set aside for taking any questions you want to ask, on any topic whatsoever related to the big questions of life, Christianity and the Bible.
How Long Does The Course Last?
The course runs for three weeks on Wednesday evenings.
What If It Isn’t For Me? Can I Back Out If I Want To?
Of course you can. There is no obligation.
Do I Have To Bring Anything?
No. All course materials are provided for you.
Is It “Churchy”?
We hope not. It’s not a church service. There’s no praying, singing, or clapping. And, you won’t be asked to read aloud.
Am I Going To Get Preached At?
Each evening includes a talk designed to explore one of the big questions of life and then explain how Christianity addresses that question. Hopefully, you’ll find it challenging and helpful, but the goal is not to preach at you. It’s to stimulate a greater understanding of the questions we all ask and explain what Christians believe. The group leaders will facilitate discussion and try to answer questions.
Will I Be Put on the Spot?
No. You are free to just sit back and listen. We’ve established some general Ground Rules to make everyone as comfortable as possible. Here are the rules: (1) Don’t Be Nervous. You’ll never be asked to sing, pray, or read out loud. (2) Respect Everyone. Every person, every question, every objection will be treated with the utmost respect. (3) Maintain Trust. Whatever comes up in the room, stays in the room unless permission is given to share it. Every week we review these rules to ensure the best environment for a respectful, constructive conversation.
Where Do I Get More Information?
If you still have questions about the course and want to talk to someone about whether Exploring Christianity is a good fit for you, email us at office@calvarynj.org or call 732-449-8889. We’ll do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.