Investing in Calvary

God specializes in giving. And we see that most clearly when we consider Jesus.  When Jesus died on the cross on a hill named “Calvary” he was paying for the greatest gift that could every be given: eternal life, transformative hope, and unshakable joy.  When we give to the Church of Jesus Christ, we are investing in the mission of Calvary.

There are, of course different ways to give.

You may always give cash or check during one of our worship services or by mailing your check to the church office.
You may give online (computer, tablet, or phone) through our secure online giving portal, one-time or recurring. If you choose to give in this way, keep in mind that lower-fee electronic bank transfers leave us more money than credit card transactions to invest in the spread of the gospel. Give online now.

But above all, God wants us all to be generous givers. We are not giving out of mere obedience, but out of thanks and awe for what He has done for us on the cross at Calvary.

When you give to Calvary Presbyterian Church, you are investing in people…people that are hurting, seeking, and growing…people that long to know Him more. Our General Fund provides for the ministries of our church so that this can happen – So that a child can discover the wonder of God in a Sunday School classroom or during the fun and games of Calvary Kids. So that our church and community can hear the good news. So that our men and women can meet and grow with one another. So that we can gather with enthusiastic children for the most exciting week of the year in Vacation Bible School. So that our members, gripped with the realities of life, can gather to talk, grow, and encounter God together. And so we can support other ministries in our community and around the world that make Jesus known. Your offerings matter and make a difference every single day.

The act of giving to God is an act of worship. During our Sunday morning worship services, we dedicate a time to honor God with his tithe and our gifts. Whether you drop your offering into the plate as it is passed by or give online to use the modern conveniences of technology, we worship God with our offerings just the same.